星期一, 6月 04, 2007

act now! 現在就行動吧! 九折在等你!!

For friends who finish the reservation of Mamady's workshop by June 15th, you are entitled to have 10% off. Please act now! A price adjustment will be applied after June 15th. We are looking for an increasing of 10%-20%. There is also a possibility that all 30 seats of each day are fully booked. So please act fast!
六月15日之前完成報名的朋友, 我們以九折來感謝您的支持, 而六月15日之後, 有可能會調漲學費10%-20%, 每天課程的名額只有三十位, 很可能會額滿的! 請開始行動吧!

Please contact:

[A-Chuan at Yong Kang] for Yong Kang Workshop on djembe.store@gmail.com 0933-296354
[Monbaza at Taipei] for Taipei Workshops on monbaza@gmail.com 0937-196843

more info:
Mamady Keita Official Website
Mamady Keita Chinese Discography
